SURAA – royal attar of India I Alchemy of Love
Parfumul UNISEX din colectia ALCHEMY OF LOVE este un parfum care iti aduce STAREA DE BINE si PASIUNEA IN VIATA DE CUPLU, un miros oriental puternic, un pur sange arabesc, cu cel mai curat si exclusivist attar regal pe baza de santal, oudh si flori exotice creat in India pentru seicii arabi. Are un SIAJ si o KARMA unica, pe 7 niveluri energetice ale meridianelor energetice, ce curata , echilibreaza si da o extraordinara putere de seductie si stima de sine/ incredere purtatorului.
Inspirat de paradisul oceanului Indian din sudul Indiei, Kerala, taram terapeutic al starii de bine ayurvedice, un mare-monte fascinant de verde si colorat, luxuriant, parfumul SURAA imbina armonios cele mai exotice si seducatoare esente din industia parfumeriei, precum frangipani, magnolia champa, gardenia, jannat, iasomia sambac, cocos, neroli-flori de portocal, anason, cuisoare, ghimbir, trandafir indian, opium from carnation, ambra, oudh, labdanum, santal rosu.
The perfume is part of ALCHEMY OF LOVE collection, an UNISEX perfume that brings the WELLBEING and PASSION IN YOUR COUPLE, a strong oriental smell, arabian blood, with the purest and most exclusive royal attar base of sandal, oudh and exotic flowers created in India for the arabian seics. It has a unique KARMA AND SIAJ, on 7 energetic levels, that cleans, balances and gives an extraordinary power of seduction and self esteem to the owner.
Inspired by the paradise of the Indian ocean in south India, Kerala, a mare-monte realm of exclusive WELLBEING ayurvedic therapies, yet fascinating through its green, luxurious and vibrant colours, the perfume SURAA embodies harmoniously the most exotic and seducing essences in the perfume industry, such as frangipani, magnolia champacca, jannat, jasmine sambac, coconut oil, neroli, anise, cloves, ginger, indian rose, opium from carnation, ambra, oudh, red sandal.
1 Mostra x 1ml 40lei
1 Mostra x 10ml 400lei
1 parfum x 30ml 1200lei
1 parfum 50ml 1800lei (in cutie si sticla de autor)
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