Each time I travel to new places I try to taste a bit of the local culture, local habits and notice those things tourists usually don’t look for. Most people don’t know that olfactory memory is actually more than the sense of smell, “the nose” thing, it is more about noticing what most of the people don’t see, smell, taste, touch or hear. I like to call it the local flavour.
And I felt that Maldives and the Indian Ocean was the place I belonged. Something in my mind recalled memories from a past life, that nature is something unbelievable beautiful, like in those times when civilization didn’t make a place in this savage lands. The land smells warm, the turquise waters hyde the most colorful fish spieces I’ve ever seen and the sand is so white and fine that you can see the fingers of your feet into the water. The antique fishermen’s boasts are so nicely painted like in fairytales. The people are thin, arabic tanned skin and friendly, cosmopolite (the English education system says its word) and unbelievebly polite. Actually they don’t go very often outside the island to see their family, maximum twice a year, so they like to make new friends and talk about the European life, a life of freedom and of the rich people, as they like to call it.
I most loved the mornings, they bear the scent of fresh fraginpanni flowers, the evenings smell like heliotrop, osmanthus and honesuckle flowers and the days have a fruity exotic smell. Here is my first meeting with a fragipanni flower, almost dead, that came into my hands accientally by water. Was surprised to find out later they live in a small tree, as most vegetation on the Maldivian islands due to high temeratures and low soil hydration.
My favourite was the coconut water, very hidrating during the day. Papaya, pineapple and melon have incredible natural taste here. And the creams, shower gels and shampoos here are all natural, made on the island the traditional way. I liked especially the private garden shower in the open, where I felt like a true goddess spoiled by so many new and beautiful organic cosmetics.
The Indian Ocean was my inspiration for the Your Personal Aroma concept, a complex and very thoroughly documented collection of 8 feminine and 8 masculine personality archetypes and theur dominats, as to easy the way people choose their perfumes.
The frangipanni flower inspired me the perfume of unlimited power of seduction.
No.7 “Fleurs Royales” for the Sophisticated Diva personality type is the most noble and precious of all perfumes created with the rarest and strongest essences, royal nocturne notes filling any space with a unique touch.
Find out more about your personal perfume at discover@yourpersonalaroma
Looking forward to my next olfactory journey to come with with my heart open!
Frangipani (lat.Plumeria alba) este una dintre cele mai pretioase flori in parfumerie si este inrudita cu Oleandrul. Mirosul fin aduce cu o iasomie fructata, insa aroma e mult mai usoara si diafana, amintind de insulele exotice. Exista Frangipani de Hawai , de Tahiti sau de Maldive. Arbustul de Frangipani este supranumit si “arborele templu” sau “arborele Tiara”. In parfumerie apare totusi in putine parfumuri ca ingredient principal, fiind un ingredient rar si putin explorat, cel mai adesea asociat cu mosc, cocos sau frankincence.
In Maldive am invatat ce inseamna starea de bine cu adevarat, in toti porii, cu mintea, sufletul si trupul. Si ca “when you think and feel lovely you are very much lovable”, cu alte cuvinte daca gandesti pozitiv si te simti bine in pielea ta, atragi iubire si energie pozitiva. Multa iubire va doresc si voua!