Imperial White Lilly
(Nufar de Delta Dunarii) – Parfum cu ADN romanesc
Fleurs de Roumanie Collection.
YPA EsSenciales line
Perfume Essence/ Sticluta cu design floare
Ingredients: Imperial White Lilly (Nufar de Delta Dunarii, plumeria alba), Lotus Foret, Trandafir (Rose Priveee), Musetel/ Chamomille, Caprifoi/ Honeysuckle, Pepene Galben/Melon, Cimbrisor salbatic/Thyme, Piper/ Black Pepper, Fenicul/Fennel, Styrax, Mar verde/ Green Apple, Tamaie/ Frankincence, Mosc/ Musk.
The Perfume of freedom in the air, a Romantic fairy tale perfume that unlocks the memories of the freedom, courage and love and awakens the mood for inspiring and unique voyages into the wild nature. The fragrance was inspired of the unique species of White Imperial Lilly in the Danube Delta, an unforgettable scent of an eternal summer, delicate fresh flowers in the unique natural park of the Danube Delta, and to position its worth as the national flower in Romania. The project is about bringing into light an exotic, yet rare flower, about authentic Romanian DNA and the love for pure,delicate and breathtaking nature.
Un parfum pretios despre natura pura si libera, cu miros proaspat si delicat ca o eterna poveste cu zani si zane, o vacanta de vara intr-un loc magic si unic, precum Delta Dunarii.
30 ml
Eau de Parfum
Limited Editions
Am creat colectia #FleursdeRoumanie ca o emblema olfactiva, parfum cu ADN romanesc, extensia va include de anul acesta parfumuri emblema #ScentofRomania #Romania100 #Centenar. Sustinem astfel initiativa de face cunoscuta unicitatea naturii Romaniei, un omagiu adus Centenarului Marii Uniri si florei unice de pe meleagurile noastre.
#Romania100 #CentenarulMariiUniri 2018
#FleursdeRoumanie for #experienceRomania project is about Romanian DNA and the love for #purenature. Incredible memories about our place of birth, childhood, important moments and aspirations. It is about #magnoliamylove in Cismigiu park of Bucharest, #seducedbyNarcissus and white flowers in Brasov, the smell of sea and wine in my home Constanta #homeofdearLilly, the tales of Eminescu born in Iasi of my teenage period of #Lindenflowers and the hypnotic nights smelling like honeysuckle in Cluj #Honeyme #Dragaica, #Paeonia- Bujorul romanesc din Baia de arama/Banat, #Paeonia, #WhiteLilly of #DanubeDelta #Romania
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