Home of Dear Lily
YPA EsSenciales line
Perfume Essence
The essence reminding of home
A Tender powdery perfume is the symbol the fertility, protection and motherhood essence in every home. Its sweet fragrance awakens the mood for tender gestures. Main notes: white lily of Romania, honey, lemon, musk, chamomille, bergamot, lemongrass. Lilly of the valley is rare found in natural extract in perfumes. It is also known as the emblematic flower of Buckingham Pallace and of Brittish Royalty.
Esenta cu mirosul cald de acasa
Un parfum pudrat, tandru si cald este simbolul fertilitatii, protectiei masculine si fertilitatii feminine. Mirosul sau dulce trezeste simturile catre gesturi tandre. Note principale: lacramioare albe din Romania, miere, lamaie, mosc, musetel, bergamota si lemongrass. Florile de lacramioare albe au o perioada scurta de inflorire in luna mai, sunt rare si pretioase, de aceea se gasesc foarte rar in forma naturala in extractele de parfumuri. Lacramioara este cunoscuta ca floarea emblematica a Palatului Buckingham si a regalitatii britanice.
30ml Eau de Parfum
Limited Editions
#FleursdeRoumanie for #experienceRomania project is about Romanian DNA and the love for #purenature. Incredible memories about our place of birth, childhood, important moments and aspirations. It is about #magnoliamylove in Cismigiu park of Bucharest, #seducedbyNarcissus and white flowers in Brasov, the smell of sea and wine in my home Constanta #homeofdearLilly, the tales of Eminescu born in Iasi of my teenage period of #Lindenflowers and the hypnotic nights smelling like honeysuckle in Cluj #Honeyme #Dragaica.
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